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Tags: cbd oil

CBD Oil Benefits: What Is CBD Oil Good For?

CBD oil is a potent plant extract that experts in the field believe possesses several health benefits. In this short article, we would like to list some critical advantages that taking Glacier Organics CBD Oil can provide.

When we decided to write this article, we could have made many claims based on what CBD oil users have experienced around the world. This in itself is very convincing, but instead, we chose to list claims that are verified by reputable bodies, who are experts in their fields.

What is CBD Oil Good For?

Reduces Pain
The most well-known benefit of using CBD oil is the ability to reduce pain. A study from the prestigious European Journal of Pain has shown that CBD can reduce various types of pain. Many users around the world will support this and are using CBD to fight a variety of causes of pain.

Alleviates Depression and Anxiety
The use of CBD for the treatment of depression is still in its infancy, and more research needs to complete. However, some studies have already shown promising results, and these studies, together with anecdotal evidence for many users, suggest that CBD has a part to play in the treatment of depression. One such research study by Frontiers in Immunology concluded that CBD can alleviate depression connected with stress.

Viable Drug Addiction Treatment
Drug addiction can affect a variety of circuits within the brain that promote a dependency on drugs CBD works to fix the channels, causing addiction, thus reducing the dependence on drugs. The Mayo Clinic in a report on CBD while exhibiting caution did admit that there is a growing body of evidence that supports the use of CBD in fighting addiction and other conditions.

Prevent Diabetes
Research is continuing on the use of CBD in the battle against diabetes, and early results look promising. The leading diabetes organization and research body in the UK, Diabetes UK, has stated that the advantages of CBD oil for treating diabetes include a reduction in the levels of inflammation and enhanced blood glucose control.

Reduces Blood Pressure
There is a great deal of evidence from studies that CBD oil can be used in the fight against High Blood Pressure. The most significant study was carried out by The American Society for Clinical Investigation, who concluded that CBD oil reduces Blood pressure when resting. It also reduces the Blood Pressure increase due to increased heart rate.

Fights Insomnia
If ever you have had chronic insomnia, you will know how debilitating that can be. Harvard Medical School has acknowledged that CBD is helping many sufferers of insomnia and that studies have demonstrated that CBD may assist users in both getting to sleep and remaining asleep.

Eliminates and Prevents Acne
CBD based treatments are now quite common for sufferers of acne. In one study by the J.C.I (Journal Clinical investigation), concluded that CBD was a promising therapeutic agent for the effective treatment of acne.
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